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He generally holds the role of the show's everyman figure. He is insecure about his relationship with Steve and prone to overanalyzing minor slights, but very kind and loving. He's a homemaker/computer programmer who's 'obsessed with cleanliness and science fiction' and a member of the West Lahunga Beach chapter of Gay Men-zuh. (voiced by Will Matthews): Steve's 30-year-old Filipino American genius husband. The title is ironic, as all three of the main couples have typical 'couple issues'-including Steve actively seeking a three-way with Rick and another man, Kirsten and Dana deciding to have a baby with Rick's sperm, and Chuck and Evan simply trying to be together despite a 31-year age difference between them.

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The show follows the lives of three gay couples-the titular Rick and Steve, Chuck and Evan, and Dana and Kirsten-as they live in the fictional gay ghetto of West Lahunga Beach and interact with their friends and family. As of April 2011, there are no plans for a third season. The second season debuted on November 11, 2008. It is a spin-off from Brocka's 1999 short film of the same name, and debuted on the LGBT-focused Logo network in July 2007 and on the Canadian Teletoon's late-night programming block ' The Detour' that October. Rick & Steve: The Happiest Gay Couple in All the World (also known as Rick & Steve) is a stop motion adult animated sitcom created by Q.

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From left to right: Evan, Chuck, Dana, Kirsten, Rick, Steve

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